On this site you will find links to my stories, blurbs from those stories, and other oddities that flow from my thoughts and dreams. Some are tasty and delectable, others gritty and difficult to digest. Regardless, such dreams are food for your soul. Beware though! Once consumed, they will never leave you. It is said that you are what you eat, but more fundamentally, you are what you think!
And what you think is about to change…
“Characters create themselves from the fertile soil of my mind on a moment’s notice, and then just as quickly entropy takes hold and their dust is returned to the earth, fulfilled.”
– Gregory J. Glanz
Hell’s Reach
In the shadows of Hell’s Reach where madness stalks the indentured undead and living even unto death, the veil between Hell and Earth is in peril of being torn asunder.
In Human Shadow
A new fantasy novel.
Born the half-breed, bastard son of an orc chieftain, Wrank tries to survive life in OrcHome among ignorance and spite aimed at his human heritage even as he develops a Talent for folding shadow. When life is no longer viable among the clans, he escapes into the world of humans where he once again encounters intolerance from thieves, wizards, priests and assassins. With the eyes of imps, demons, miscreant gods, and a changeling upon him, can he survive In Human Shadow even though his future is foretold, his death foreseen?
Excerpt from:
Evelyn’s Pride
Available now in Awakenings, Of Rust and Glass Issue 15, Evelyn’s Pride watches Jack Higgins as he follows "some obscure path of survival that had to periodically intersect with the Mississippi like blood through the heart.” That path, as it turns out, is not his own, but one of discovery through the brutal mistakes of others.
Of Wolverines and Cowards
Available now in the inaugural online issue of Trigger Warning Magazine, Of Wolverines and Cowards is a gritty look at life from a child’s point of view as his extended family battles alcoholism and violence, and the young brothers try to make sense of it all where no sense is there to be had, only consequences.
the room, The Door
Available now in the new Particular Passages 4: South Wing anthology by Knight Writing Press, the room, The Door explores agonizing choices made and unmade, the dead-ends that unmade choices lead us to, and where we lead others to because of those choices.
Available from booksellers nationwide here, this anthology of 15 stories from 15 authors may disturb your preconceptions. Check out the video here.
Down an abandoned hallway lie forgotten rooms.
Each room contains secrets left, forgotten, lost, or locked away.
Some are wonderful and beautiful, others are dark and terrible.
There's no way to know which until you step inside.
So take a deep breath and open the door.
God of the Supine Obelisk
Available in the new WriteHive Anthology entitled Navigating Ruins, the story follows the efforts of a lowly acolyte to steer clear of heresy as new evidence of the origins of his religion is uncovered.
While the high priest and temple historian square off in an ecclesiastical battle for canon, Nyman tries to navigate around it all even as his god manifests itself in the body of the elder priest and historian. Among it all, an archeotheurgist, known colloquially as a Shard Speaker, undermines the new findings by dismissing the new artifacts as “quite mad.”